Thursday, March 24, 2011

Star Wars Outline

So, I am a really big nerd and one of my favorite series of movies is Star Wars. So I have chosen to outline, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

Beginning: The movie starts out with a story already in play with Jedi nights trying to finish a mission they have been sent on. The story builds and reveals more and more as the characters share things.

Middle: The plot really settles in as Qui-Gon Jinn meets little Anikan Skywalker. There are then a series of problems that develope that is important to solve before the movie comes to a close and for the fate of the republic.

Conclusion: The Jedis form a union with the planet of Naboo where they help to fight against the dark side. They then celebrate the success of winning by a happy parade at the end.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

5 Background Recourses






Friday, March 4, 2011

Issues paper Thesis

Due to outsourcing jobs in other countries and the bad economy, more mothers around the United States are having to work full time which causes a negative affect for the mothers themselves and their children.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Issues paper Ideas

I was having a hard time thinking of possible topics I could write about. I was talking to my roommate and it came up that I could possibly talk about the affects of full time working mothers throughout the world. It has slowly become more popular throughout the world to have mothers working full time and not being housewives. The affect this can have on children can vary. Or another topic idea was about how movies have globalized throughout the world. America has definitely brought its movies to different countries probably affecting them in many ways.